
Aqua Boost

Crafted with precision, the Aqua Boost™ by Nano Infusion Technologies seamlessly integrates the power of nanobubbles into your liquids. 



This system is redefining the realm of the possible.  With user-friendliness that rivals its ingenuity, the Aqua Boost™ nanobubble generator is a testament to our commitment to simplicity among the sophistication. 


Prepare to be part of a new era in water technology.  Welcome, to Aqua Boost™ by Nano Infusion Technologies. 

Oxygen Nanobubble Mobile Generator​

Introducing our flagship product, the Oxygen Nanobubble Mobile Generator – a marvel of modern engineering and innovation. Designed as a towable trailer, this high-capacity nanobubble generator offers unprecedented versatility and portability, making it an indispensable tool for a myriad of industries.

Customized Nanobubble Solutions

At Nano Infusion Technologies, we recognize that each client may face distinct challenges that nanobubble technology can address. Our commitment is not only to provide advanced products but also to collaborate, understand, and tailor solutions to fit specific needs. 

Industrial Components for Superior Performance

At the heart of the Aqua Boost lies a trio of excellence:

Effortless Operation, Stunning Results :  Imagine a device that can transform ordinary water into a powerhouse of nanobubble-infused liquid with just a few simple steps.  The submersible unit, designed for ease of use, requires nothing more than being inserted into your pool, holding tank, reservoir, or water source of your choice.  Once in place, you turn it on, and the magic begins.  It’s that straightforward.


Unmatched Performance and Durability:  With a flow rate of 80 gallons per minute, Aqua Boost stands ready to tackle any challenge. Its food-grade components and stainless steel construction guarantee that it’s not just a machine – it’s a reliable partner, always prepared for whatever task you throw at it.


Maintenance Made Effortless:  Keeping your Aqua Boost operating at its peak is nearly effortless.  A quick filter swap every six months with a replacement filter is all the maintenance it requires. That means more time enjoying the benefits of nanobubble technology and less time worrying about upkeep.


Don’t wait to experience the future of nanobubble technology. Aqua Boost is here, and it’s ready to revolutionize the way you enhance liquids with nanobubbles.  Say goodbye to complicated processes and hello to the simplicity and power of Aqua Boost.  Your journey to a new world of possibilities begins now. 

Unprecedented Versatility

With dual gas inlets, Aqua Boost doesn’t just infuse one, but two separate gases into the liquid simultaneously. This feature not only widens its range of applications but also allows for a unique interplay of gases tailored to specific requirements.

Speed and Efficiency, Unmatched

Time is of the essence, and the Aqua Boost respects that. Boasting a saturation speed nearly double that of any competitor, it ensures rapid results without compromising on quality.

Durability Meets Design

Constructed from 316L stainless steel, Aqua Boost isn’t just durable; it's industry-ready. Food-grade rated and optimized for minimal electricity consumption (equivalent to a household vacuum cleaner), it seamlessly integrates into commercial and industrial settings without causing a spike in utility bills.

User-Friendly and Flexible Deployment

While the nanobubble generator and pump can be submerged, the portable oxygen concentrator remains outside, ensuring easy accessibility and maintenance. Its versatility shines across various applications - from koi ponds and horticulture operations to fish farms and swimming pools. And with its easy mobility, serving multiple aquatic bodies with a single unit becomes a breeze.

A Dream Come True

For many of our clients, the Aqua Boost is more than just a product; it's the realization of their most ambitious aspirations. Portable, powerful, and efficient, it's truly a game-changer in the realm of nanobubble technology. Experience the revolution today.

Aqua Real time

Elevating Water Quality Management: Introducing Aqua Real Time’s AlgaeTracker and OxyTracker


At Nano Infusion Technologies (NIT), we’re steadfast in our mission to enhance water quality for diverse sectors such as aquaculture, agriculture, wastewater management, and recreational waters. Our collaboration with Aqua Real Time brings to our portfolio two pivotal solutions: the AlgaeTracker for preemptive algae bloom detection and the newly developed OxyTracker, focused on precise dissolved oxygen measurement. These state-of-the-art buoys deliver laboratory accuracy directly in the field, enabling real-time, data-driven decision-making without the logistical challenges of traditional lab testing.

Why Incorporate AlgaeTracker and OxyTracker?

Real-Time Monitoring & Early Detection

These tools continuously monitor water quality parameters, offering instant alerts. This crucial data facilitates timely responses to emerging water quality issues, preventing potential hazards.

Lab-Level Accuracy Without the Lab

With the capability to measure critical water quality indicators with the same precision as traditional lab tests, these buoys represent a significant leap in onsite water analysis.

Comprehensive Water Quality Insights

From chlorophyll and phycocyanin levels to dissolved oxygen content, these devices provide a full spectrum of water quality metrics, empowering users with detailed insights into the health of their water bodies.

Seamless Integration & Enhanced Monitoring

Pairing Aqua Real Time's solutions with NIT's Aqua Boost system allows for an unprecedented level of water quality management. This combination not only identifies but also effectively addresses water quality challenges.

Transformative Benefits for Diverse Applications

This integration is pivotal for various stakeholders

Water Utilities & Municipalities:  Enhance the safety and appeal of recreational waters while safeguarding against contaminants.


Agriculture & Aquaculture: Optimize water conditions for healthy, thriving ecosystems.


Environmental Monitoring: Enable proactive environmental stewardship with advanced monitoring capabilities.

Join us as we redefine the standards of water quality management. Through our collaboration with Aqua Real Time, we're bringing groundbreaking solutions to your fingertips, ensuring your waterways not only meet but exceed environmental and health standards. Explore the possibilities with NIT and embark on a journey to cleaner, healthier water ecosystems.
HOAs | Lake Associations | Recreational Water | Golf Courses

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